Lamo and Ama Tsering La sit on the porch with a friend who lives next door. Lamo is knitting slippers that will be sold in big cities such as Leh and Ladakh. Ladakh, located on the western end of the Himalayas, boasts four major mountain ranges: the Great Himalayan, Zanskar, Ladakh, and the Karakoram. This region is called the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. The HKH (Hindu Kush Himalayan region) faces the adverse effects of climate change, including rising temperatures, unpredictable weather patterns, a shortage of water supply, and declining livestock quality. This image is from a bigger story about Nang, a typical Ladakhi village nestled in the mountains of Ladakh, and its survival as the surrounding glaciers are melting twice as fast as the rest of the world. Last winter, an engineering team implemented and tested a new ice field above the village to conserve water for their crop season. Still, this experiment wasn't successful as there wasn't enough water to form ice. These images show the daily life and work of a Ladakhi family that has lived in Nang for generations during the early winter. Collecting fresh vegetables in the sub-zero temperatures of January to celebrate Losar, the Himalayan people's New Year.
Date Taken: | 12.2023 |
Date Uploaded: | 12.2024 |
Photo Location: | Nang, India |
Camera: | NIKON Z 6 |
Copyright: | © Eleanor Moseman |