Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
The Lost Coast

The Lost Coast is a beautiful and remote stretch of Northern California coastline between Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. The Lost Coast, named partly for its steep and mountainous terrain that made it prohibitively expensive to build major highways or roads, has been preserved in its wild and natural state due to this isolation. This preservation has helped maintain the unique and unspoiled character of the Lost Coast, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The Lost Coast is a haven for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path outdoor adventure. It's home to the Lost Coast Trail, the longest stretch of undeveloped coast in California that traverses beaches, cliffs, forests, and tide pools. I have read and heard that it is not a hike for amateurs like me. Tides, sneaker waves, poison oak, ticks, rain and river crossings, and walking for days on soft sand and slippery rocks might sound appealing to some die-hards, though.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2024
Date Uploaded: 11.2024
Photo Location: Westport, California, United States of America
Copyright: © Rajesh Jyothiswaran