Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Petey P. spotted his lunch below.

While in Aruba, I watched the pelicans from my floaty raft for hours. All day long they would soar above me, spotting their fishy lunch then nose (in his case beak!) dive like a bomber, pop up and out of the water showing off a fish tail hanging from the side of it's beak... then down it went with a quick swallow and back up to soar for more. They are so fast and quick... This image is of my friend Petey, on his downward dive for lunch. They say "Peculiar are the pelicans and their beaks can hold more than their bellies can!"

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 08.2024
Date Uploaded: 11.2024
Photo Location: Aruba
Camera: AT&T Maestro Max
Copyright: © Julie Ambrosia