Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Opposition and Mission

The Eastern Chipmunk decided to get off the feeder where she had been filling the pouches of her cheeks with Black Oiled Sunflower Seeds, allowing the White Breasted Nuthatch to have his turn.. I shot this scene through the window, on the afternoon in our backyard 10/1/2024. The Nuthatch was gyrating back and forth authoritatively flapping his wings in a bullying manner in hopes of scaring the chipmunk away. The strategy worked for awhile, at least until the coast was clear:-) The Chipmunk returned to fill her cheeks again with more seeds to store these provisions for the cold winter months ahead when she hibernates..They both got their own way in the end. The Chipmunk who began first on the feeder came back later to finish what she started, not abandoning her mission while preparing for the future in spite of opposition.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2024
Date Uploaded: 10.2024
Photo Location: Ellsworth, Wi, United States of America
Camera: COOLPIX P1000
Copyright: © Andrea Petersen