When Technology begins to outpace Humanity. It has taken over humans in many ways it has made our lives easier and more efficient, but it has also made us more reliant on it. We are now so used to having technology at our finger tips that we don’t know how to function without it and In addition technology has made us more isolated from each other, while we celebrate advancements and a fear of the unknown, of being surpassed by our own creations. The Project Ray is about the fusion of technology and creativity, the nature of reality and the relationship between humans and technology, as we know in the field of photography light is very essential to discern the objects or the subjects to capture by camera or mobile but as we know human eyes see the reflected light of that specific subjects or objects. Here I used a new medium X-ray to glance the things inside out to view the mechanical working of an objects in my opinion X-ray has integrity and honesty because it presents the objects what they really are and lastly how we may sustainable by our work to live in the future for the next generation. Sustainability in the field of photography is a growing concern, as the industry is responsible for a significant amount of environmental impact, and for much photography is more than just a hobby; it’s a passion, a profession and a powerful way to connect with the world but as our awareness of environmental issues grows, so its upon us towards sustainable practices even within creative fields like photography cause photography has a major environmental footprint.
Date Taken: | 06.2024 |
Date Uploaded: | 11.2024 |
Photo Location: | Mushidabad, India |
Camera: | X-T200 |
Copyright: | © Aniket Pal |