Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Kalle's back

While sharing an Airbnb with a friend of mine in Athens, I came down with a mystery illness and was stuck in the flat for days, despite the heat. As only one air conditioner worked, we hung out in that room, trying to keep sweating to a minimum. Lying in bed with a fever, I was taken by my mate's perfect contour of his back against the sunlight. A life-long admirer of Bill Brandt's work, I wanted to experiment with positive negative space in my composition of the human form. I like the juxtaposition here of the perfectly sculpted human torso and the mundane domesticity of the curtains and their geometric design.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2024
Date Uploaded: 12.2024
Photo Location: Athens, Greece
Camera: iPhone 11 Pro
Copyright: © Tomas Baltazari