Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
I got your friend

Summer time in Australia's wetland Country, Flying foxes face a constant battle to stay cool or Flying foxes have to deal with the summer weather ( heat ). Taking a quick dip in the water is easier said than done when hungry crocodiles are lying in wait in water. Flying foxes bats are risking their lives every time they take a drink in the crocodile-infested waters. The Fly Foxes were flying near and alive before Crocodile Snatches Fly Foxes from Mid-Air. No double the Crocodile are Nature's best killing machine and Crocodiles are predators all day all night. By looking at the action of this picture. The Fly Foxes were caught ( Wings ) in mid air by Crocodile. The Fly Foxes try to get away from the jaw of Crocodile. But the Fly Foxes can't get away from Nature's best killing machine . As a photographer, I have witnessed the incredible action of a dead and alive game between the Fly Foxes and Crocodiles .

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2023
Date Uploaded: 12.2024
Photo Location: Austria City, Austria
Camera: NIKON Z 9
Copyright: © Hai Ngo