Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Artistic

My granddaughter, Eliza, and I began by attempting to conceptualize the perceived over protectiveness of some parents. And the urge parents feel to keep "bad" news from them. But in today's world of social media and overheard conversations, it is nearly impossible. They see, they hear and, more importantly, they understand. But the distortions are real. As to body image, as females, do we or can we ever think we fit the image we want to be? Think we need to be? Hopefully, with support and understanding, the young girls of today can be proud of and accept who they are.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2021
Date Uploaded: 11.2024
Photo Location: Pine Grove, West Virginia, United States of America
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Copyright: © Pamela Hanlan