Set against the majestic backdrop of Kolkata's iconic Victoria Memorial, this photograph captures a vibrant group of dancers in the midst of a traditional performance. The male dancers, clad in colorful dhotis, are frozen in a dynamic pose, their movements reflecting strength and rhythm. To the side, the female dancers in rich attire await their turn, adding balance to the scene. The lush green lawn and the grandeur of the marble monument contrast beautifully with the fluid motion of the dancers, symbolizing the harmony between Kolkata’s historical legacy and its living cultural traditions. The brilliant afternoon light and the expansive sky create an atmosphere that feels timeless, making this scene a celebration of art, culture, and heritage in one of India's most historic cities.
Date Taken: | 05.2022 |
Date Uploaded: | 11.2024 |
Photo Location: | Kolkata, India |
Camera: | NIKON D750 |
Copyright: | © Debashis Mukherjee |